Help with Holiday Stress

Help with Holiday Stress


As the holiday season approaches you may like to enjoy a stress free state of mind for a while.

As you are reading this now, you can allow yourself to relax for a moment or two and you can begin to enjoy feeling safe and warm, knowing that everything is, as it IS and you can if you like allow your facial muscles to soften just a little as you enjoy listening to the soft sound of your own breathing.

You can also become aware of the gentle rise and fall of your chest and you may begin to notice how one of your hands may feel slightly warmer than the other.

Once upon a time when we would all sit by a warm and comforting fire, we would talk about our lives whilst looking up at the stars and feel a sense ofwonder and awe, as the fire would crackle and fizzle and all things weresimple and easy.

You see, feelings can come and go and you can choose which feelings to hold on to and which one’s to let go of, as you inhale relaxation and exhale worry and holiday stress right now.

In the days and weeks to come you may like to remember that everything is simpler then what you sometimes think it is and that feeling peaceful inside, even when things are chaotic on the outside, is just as simple as can be. The fact is that it is as simple as counting… one… two three and as simple as taking three deep breaths.

Those three deep breaths will instantly remind you of how relaxed you can be, and no matter what is going on in your outside world, you will feel a sense ofwarmth and calm because you can be in any place you want to be and all you have to do is to close your eyes for a second or so and remember a happy moment or visualise a peaceful moment in your near future. See yourself smiling and relaxed… Because the simple truth is that nothing lasts forever, even when we really want it to, and the only thing you can do is to see things under a different light, a softer light one tinted with gratitude for what IS, right now.

Allow yourself to see what you see, and see it under that soft gentle light, hear what you hear and hear the soft tones of your loved ones. Listen with empathetic ears picking up on different notes and sounds you may have not noticed before.

Just as the fire crackles and gives you warmth, you too can provide comfort and warmth for your own mind and for those that surround you, expecting nothing, observing different things in a new and gentle way, a way that will soon become your new way of looking at life, and this may just be the way to create a peaceful, kinder future for your body and mind.

Thank you for reading we would love to connect and help you stay motivated and manage your holiday stress. Please get in touch if you would like to benefit from our Stress Free coaching program for companies and organisations or from our personal Hypnotherapy sessions. (Also available via Skype) We look forwards to hearing from you and reading your comments.

We are also available for radio, podcasts and TV interviews.

If you would like us to speak at your event please get in touch.

Smiles from The English Sisters, authors several books including Stress Free in Three Minutes


Happy Holidays!  

Stress Free in Three Minutes
Help with Holiday Stress

Contact us using the contact form below. We look forwards to being of help to you.